The "Bud-Lite" of Buddhism !

The "Bud-Lite" of Buddhism ! Twitter:!/buddhistbright

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Most Powerful Words in the World

The most powerful words in the world are somewhat glossed over in ancient Buddhism. Not so in Buddhism Bright.

Ancient Buddhism teaches that things of the world are insignificant on the path to enlightenment. Buddhism Bright teaches that adding significance to our lives in the here and now with altruism, compassion and wisdom is paramount.

The most powerful words in the world are "I Love You". Love is altruism that transcends our animal natures. In a dog-eat-dog world where survival is paramount, there is no room for altruistic love. Yet we are capable of it, and it lifts us onto a higher plane of living with a richer, more significant life.

However, it is a double-edged sword. If the words are said carelessly, foolishly or with cunning meant to deceive, they can cause anguish, suffering and are an instrument of evil.

The true nature of this world is that evil requires much less energy than good. Love proffered in falseness is evil. It hurts other people gravely because it creates a vulnerability that goes to the core of their being. And that is why they are the most powerful words in the world as well.

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