The "Bud-Lite" of Buddhism !

The "Bud-Lite" of Buddhism ! Twitter:!/buddhistbright

Monday, February 28, 2011


The greatest emancipator is truth. The old saying "The Truth will set you free" is true in itself.

But being free or emancipated doesn't mean that you are instantly happy.

A lot of people link freedom with happiness.

A more accurate link with freedom, is responsibility.

Being emancipated means that you have a lot more choices, and you have to choose wisely.

That is why Wisdom and Compassion are cornerstones of Buddhist Bright.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wisdom & Compassion - Two Cornerstones To Live By

Two cornerstones to live by in the Buddhist Bright way, are Wisdom and Compassion.

Always seek wisdom, because wisdom will reveal the truth.

Wisdom is not enough. We must lift ourselves on a higher moral plane with compassion.

We have the capability for altruism. It comes from a higher level of development. It is incumbent upon us to use it. It differentiates us from the animals.

Cornerstones provide the foundation for the rest of the structure. Wisdom and Compassion are excellent starting points.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The True Nature of the Universe

Like the blue sky, the universe overarches everything.

The universe lacks nothing.

The universe does not exist because people think that it exists. The universe doesn't disappear if people don't think about it.

Dogmatic elements of the universe do not exist because Man declares that they exist.

The universe is under no compulsion to provide happiness (or sadness) to its inhabitants. The universe is under no compulsion to provide comfort or distress to its inhabitants. It just exists.

Human thought can be wrong, and it doesn't affect the universe. Look at how many people in the past thought that the Earth was flat.

Every conceivable direction, element, being, particle, and source of energy is part of the universe, and must obey the laws of Nature (physics) that governs the universe.

The human mind can imagine many things that are not true. If some form of human belief, dogma, creed or teaching does not obey the laws of the universe, then it is not real.

The one central core belief of Buddhist Bright, is that the onus is on us, ourselves, as individuals to make our lives significant to us, and to those around us.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Threefold Aspects of Self

Buddhism has a good model that can be applied to a Buddhist Bright person. It is the Threefold Aspects of Self.

The first aspect is Essence.

The second aspect is Potentiality.

The third aspect is Manifestation.

Summed up, you have a basic person that is the essence of you. You have potential to unfold your life any way that you want (bound by reason and physics). And third, is the manifestation of some of your potentiality.

In a simplistic sense, this also describes aspects of quantum physics in The Particle, The Sum of All of its Possible Histories, and the Quantum Decoherence of it.

But for now, what you must know, is that you are unique, you have potential, and it is up to you to unlock that potential.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neuroscience Research - Meditation Changes the Brain

Extracted from The Globe & Mail, Page L3, February 21, 2011

Wrap your mind around this: Meditation changes the brain

Move over cryptic crosswords and Sudoku, and make way for the ultimate mental workout. It's called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR for short. Recent neuroscience research shows that novices using the method - developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the 1970S - can get results in just eight weeks. Brain-changing results, that is.

A 2010 study found that nonmeditators who had eight weeks of MBSR training were more likely than a control group to access the brain region that provides a bodily sense of the "here and now" as opposed to the region associated with worry.

In other research published in January, brain scans of MBSR participants with no previous meditation experience showed increased grey-matter density in regions involved in learning and memory, emotion regulation, self-awareness and perspective taking.

Scientists don't know whether changes in grey-matter density influence a person's thought patterns or actions, notes Britta Holzel, lead author of the second study and a research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital. But she adds that decreased grey-matter concentration in the amygdala - the brain region that controls anxiety - was correlated to lower stress levels reported by participants. "This is actually a link [between] changes in the brain and behaviour."

Previous studies suggest MBSR is a boon for overall health. Research by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the University of Massachusetts' Stress Reduction Clinic, established the MBSR program as an effective medical intervention for chronic pain and stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure. Scientists from the University of WisconsinMadison found that graduates of an MBSR course produced more antibodies after flu shots than did non-mediators, which indicated a stronger immune response. And in a 2010 study, researchers at the University of Toronto concluded that mindful meditation was as effective as antidepressants in preventing relapse from clinical depression.

Mindfulness meditation helps to reduce stress by providing in sight, says Lucinda Sykes, a Toronto physician who has led MBSR courses since 1997. "Sometimes we're having a stress response to situations that is actually more the result of our habits of perception and attitude rather than the circumstances themselves," she explains.

But it may be premature to draw conclusions about the health benefits of MBSR, according to a meta-analysis of meditation research commissioned by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States. The report found that the majority of meditation studies published up
to the year 2005 had methodological shortcomings.

Compared to some forms of meditation, however, MBSR is a highly systematic practice. The program consists of eight weekly group sessions and a full-day retreat. Participants commit to about 45 minutes a day of exercises that include gentle yoga, sitting meditation and a "body scan," which involves directing attention to bodily sensations. Exercises at home are led by experts via CDs and participants are encouraged to contact program leaders in between sessions for extra coaching.

Unlike transcendental meditation and various chanting practices, MBSR is not based solely on focusing the mind, says Zindel Segal, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto who developed Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy to treat depression. Instead, mindfulness emphasizes awareness of thoughts, feelings, sounds and sensations from an internal observer's perspective, without an attempt to judge or alter the experience. "You're watching the moment by moment ebb and flow of emotions," Dr. Segal says. "You're not running away from them but you're also not getting overwhelmed by them."

Because it's a specific method that takes practice, experts discourage beginners from trying MBSR without any guidance. "Most people are going to find it's easier to do this with a group," says Dr. Sykes, adding that MBSR alumni often begin a solo practice once they get the hang of it.

Dr. Segal cautions against attempting to "cannibalize" the MBSR program by experimenting with only one of the activities. Although the body scan, yoga and sitting meditation are all designed to cultivate mindfulness, doing just one robs people of the chance to discover which practice is best suited to them, he says.
Dr. Holzel says it's unclear which exercises contributed to structural changes found in brain scans of MBSR participants, since the program was tested as a whole. "We cannot tease apart the specific effects of each of the components," she says.

After the eight-week course is over, the recommended daily dose of MBSR depends on participants' reasons for entering the program, Dr. Sykes says. Maintaining a new level of insight may be possible in just 10 or i5 minutes a day. But if the goal is to influence a biological variable, such as blood pressure, she says, "it's likely that you're going to get the best results if you practice 20 minutes, twice a day."
Dr. Segal suggests it's better to do mindfulness exercises for a few minutes each day than to be a weekend meditation warrior. A daily practice becomes woven into the fabric of life, he explains, whereas sporadic mindfulness "is not that fully integrated."
Mindfulness exercises are compatible with spiritual traditions including Christianity and Judaism, notes Dr. Sykes. Although it's based on a form of Buddhist
meditation called Vipassana, MBSR is a secular program designed for health-care settings, she said.

"People don't need to become Buddhist to nonetheless benefit from this practice.

The Mistake of the Ignorant Eye

Don't seek to know things by their external attributes. Dig deeper. Neither form nor attributes are the whole picture of the real thing. There is a modern epigram to illustrate this: "Don't judge a book by it's cover!".

This is the way to seeking the truth and finding enlightenment. Dig deeper than the surface.

If we see a feature or attribute of anything that appeals to us, we make a snap judgement, and that snap judgement may be wrong. This is the mistake of the Ignorant Eye.

The beauty and truth of anything in this world is hidden in layers, and it is our job to penetrate those layers. That is how we gain enlightenment.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Know Yourself -- Know Your Nature and Follow It

Just as you should know what pavilion of Life that you are living under, you should also know your nature. Know yourself.

It is necessary to know yourself.

The reason for this is that all people should cultivate roots of virtue according to their natures, their deeds and the pavilion of Life that they are living under. This will make you happy.

Doing this transcends some of the negativity in the world.

A group of happy people makes a happy neighborhood. A group of happy neighborhoods, makes a happy town. A group of happy towns makes the world a better place.

But first and foremost -- know yourself.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pure Gold From Buddhist Philosophy -- The Nature of World

Indeed, it is very difficult to understand the world as it truly is, for although it seems real, it is not, and, although it seems false, it is not. Ignorant people can not know the truth concerning the world.

We never say that the world is true or false, good or evil. We simply show the world as it is.

This is the leitmotif of Buddhist Bright. This is also a simplification of the basis of quantum physics.

To live well, we simply find roots of virtue in the world as we find it.

Ignorance is Bondage

Ignorance is bondage.

Ignorance is self perpetuating.

The path of ignorance is much easier than the path of truth and enlightenment.

The bondage of ignorance, is a jail with invisible bars. You do not know that you are in bondage until the yoke of ignorance is thrown off.

The more flagrant the ignorance, the greater the zeal the person who has it, has in propagating it.

Ignorance appeals to the narcissistic parts of the mind. It is a trap. The only way out of the bondage of ignorance, is the truth.

The Sun Also Rises

The sun rises in the eastern sky and clears away the darkness of the world without prejudice or favoritism toward any particular being, substance or matter.

It is universal.

The truth is universal.

One should seek the universal truth.

Once found it is a treasure beyond imagining.

It is the solid foundation of thought and being. It is like the sun rising and clearing away the darkness.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rain Falls Alike on All Vegetation

Rain falls alike on all vegetation.

Every plant has access to the rain water.

The rain is like truth. It is there for everyone. One has to have an open mind and discernment to accept it.

Everyone has access to the truth. Few people use it fully.

Some cannot bear the truth, and will deny it.

It is still the truth, and it will not change. And like the rain for the plants, the truth will be there for everyone who wants it.

The Code

The code to live by is simple.

  • Avoid Greed.
  • Don't steal from anyone.
  • Be nice to everyone.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Be tranquil.
  • Avoid deception in all things .
  • Don't let your sexual urges cause you to do things that are wrong.
  • Try to understand the things that you don't.
  • Respect Life.
Avoiding deception means that you do not deceive others, you do not deceive yourself, and you do not let yourself be deceived.

Seek the truth.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The First Rule of Relationships

The First Rule of Relationships

It is morally and ethically wrong to toy with a person's life, love and the vulnerabilities that they offer you when they love you.

Simple message. Powerful thought. Powerful Code for Living.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Life is Precious

Life is precious. All life! We are life. Animals are life. Plants are life. On a certain layer of abstraction, we belong to the collection called life. Is is precious, because it is us.

So it is incumbent upon us to treat all life with respect.

We must respect the environment because it nurtures life. It is our cradle and our grave, and it recycles our bodies for new life.

Our life is dependent on how we sustain it. Our lives are precious, therefore we must sustain our bodies with care. We must be careful what we put into them. We must be careful about we immerse our bodies in. We must be careful what we expose our bodies to. Life is precious.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Protect Your Own Mind

You must protect your own mind.

You must drive out ill thoughts as you would drive out a viper from your house.

You must strive to be positive.

You must strive to think positive.

Action follows thought, and if you think negatively, your actions will be negative.

A modern epigram from the computer world, is "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

You mind is you. It is the receptacle of your personality. Why would you pollute your personality with ill or negative thoughts.

Protect your mind in a positive way. Do not make yourself a hell on earth in your own head.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Depth of Human Ignorance

The depth of human ignorance is bottomless.

The depth of human disillusionment is bottomless.

The depth of human suffering is bottomless.

Human ignorance is something that we can fix in ourselves. It takes very much effort to make a human being see past and ignorance that is cherished. So the best course of action is to eliminate it in oneself.

Disillusionment comes very easily. It is part of the maturation process. The world does not operate as seen through a child's eyes. Our task is to take the bitterness out of disillusionment and turn it into a learning experience.

Suffering is universal. We as humans, suffer a lot through self-inflicted wounds in thoughts, words and deeds. If we can alleviate suffering in others, we are doing work of the highest altruistic order. If we alleviate suffering in ourselves, we do ourselves a favor. The key is to eliminate human ignorance in ourselves.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Self Realization

A person comes to self knowledge and self realization when they do the things that they should be doing.

A mother realizes her motherhood by loving her child.

A father realizes his fatherhood by loving his child.

Parents realize their parenthood by sacrificing ego and giving their energies to raising their children.

The care provider realizes his/her compassion by giving care.

Do whatever it is you must be doing at the moment to realize yourself and the pavilion of life that you live under.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Compassion And Kindness

One of the hallmarks of a developed, altruistic person is compassion. Compassion is also known by kindness.

Compassion is for everyone -- for all fellow human beings.

Kindness is also a quality of the mature, developed person.

Compassion and Kindness should be shown to all who suffer.

Also, we should rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

We shouldn't forget this spirit for a single moment, and we should not judge those that we give compassion and kindness.

Let me repeat. Compassion and Kindness are given without judgement.

Vain Lamentations

Do not vainly lament. Don't worry about the transiency of Life. Learn from having unfulfilled base desires. But do not lament for when you have succumbed to them in the past.

The demon of greed is always ready to deceive the mind. Do not lament when you have been deceived.

You must get rid of all vain lamentations and regrets.

If a viper lives in your room, you must first chase it out before you can have a peaceful sleep.

Tranquility is the key, and achieving tranquility is helped by getting rid of vain lamentations.

Life is Ever Changing

Life is ever changing. None can escape that fact.

The very fact that change is constant means that you never stay still in one spot. The river is never the same twice in a single spot.

This is a cause for optimism. Because change is constant, your life circumstances can change as well.

Due to the nature of the universe, disorder (or it's call entropy in scientific terms) increases as time goes on. If you spend the energy to do something constructive, then disorder decreases and your life circumstances become better and brighter.

The ancients referred to this as karma, but as far as I am concerned, it is pure science.

Welcome the changes in your life as time goes by.

Monday, February 14, 2011

You, Me and Heroism

Heroism is not confined to people who rush into a dangerous situation to save someone.

Heroism on a personal basis, is to act in ways for the greater good of mankind, regardless of your own benefit.

Heroism is displayed by people who bravely go through their lives, when the rewards of their lives are meager and small. Yet they carry on with a positive attitude, and love toward others.

Heroism is displayed by people who have no options, but carry on in life as if they had.

Heroism is a lot more prevalent than people think.

This is worth repeating ...

This thought is central to living life in a good way.

The challenge of living right, is to make a moment of grace and tranquility out of hardship and times of stress.

This is the secret. This is the path. This is how to make yourself happy when it seems impossible.

One does this by controlling the only thing that you can -- your thoughts.

Respect for All

Respect each other.

Respect each other and refrain from disputes. Don't repel each other like water and oil, but mingle and commune together like milk and water.

Study together. Learn together. Commune together. Play together. Work together. Do not waste your mind in idleness. Do not waste your time in quarreling.

Enjoy the blossoms of Enlightenment in their seasons, under the current pavilion that you are living under. Strive to be happy.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Is The Purpose?

What is the definition of Buddhist Bright?

It is quite simple. It is a philosophy for people striving to find better ways of attaining a higher level of consciousness and enlightenment.

Why should we do this?

Because we can. We can transcend the animal selves and achieve states that the animals are incapable of achieving. This makes us happy.

Is this for everybody?

No. Only the seekers shall find. Those that don't seek, won't find.

What happens if I don't seek enlightenment?


What happens when I seek enlightenment?

Your life will be richer and happier.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Person's Mind

A person's mind may make him or her an enlightened one or a beast. Both are possible. Misled by error, one becomes a demon. Therefore you must control the thoughts running through your mind if you want to stay on the "Noble Path" to altruism and enlightenment.

The way to control the mind is through meditation and rigor. If you are plagued by bad or depressive thoughts, you must do one of two things. You must meditate or think other thoughts to push them out.

If they are still persistent, you must distract yourself, either with physical exercise or some other means that makes you stop thinking about negative things.

If you keep thinking about negative things, it creates neural nets and becomes a habit. Negativity is an incredibly bad habit to have. It detracts from personal harmony and bliss.

Your mind is your own canvas, and you must paint the pictures of the highest possible perfection on that canvas, because that canvas becomes you and is you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Control Your Mind

The point of Buddhist teachings is to control your own mind. Restrain your mind from thoughts of greed. This will keep your mind in balance, your body right and your words will be faithful.

Two of the biggest evils are greed and anger. They lead to other evils.

If you find your mind moving towards malicious thoughts and tempted to dwell on them, you must suppress those thoughts. You must push them out. Meditation is the best way, but failing that, distraction is another way. Divert your thoughts to better things.

Always think constructive thoughts -- not destructive thoughts.

Remember, the key to all of this is tranquility, peace of mind and enlightenment.

Suppress the ego, think of good thoughts and strive to be tranquil. That is the way to enlightenment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Make of Yourself A Light

Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself. Do not depend on anyone else. Make your enlightenment the path.

Do not indulge in strong desires. Pain and its delight are almost one and the same. Consider the transiency of strong desires.

When you rely on yourself, you do in fact become the light. Others can see that you are in command of yourself.

Being in command of yourself is the key.

Being in command means that you strive to be tranquil. Tranquility is the first step to happiness, and when you are happy, your light shines on your whole being.

There strive to be happy. This is done with relying on yourself, gaining a measure of self control of your thoughts, and then gaining tranquility from that self control.

That is how you make of yourself a light.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tranquility is the Ultimate Goal

The most valuable commodity on Earth is peace of mind. If we have peace of mind, then we are open to happiness. With peace of mind, stress dissolves away. It is a proven scientific fact, that our bodies are healthier and more resistant to disease if we have a positive frame of mind. Our immune system is stronger and we wear the armor of life that allows us to live in a chaotic world where we have the weapons to battle stressors.

The first step to peace of mind is tranquility. Buddhism discovered this with meditation and the yogic exercises designed to clear the mind.

Tranquility is a learned skill. Our minds are very very active. We must master the stream of consciousness and direct it to tranquility. Once our minds are tranquil, then they are receptive to peace, happiness and enlightenment. Meditation is the first step to tranquility, and exercise is the keystone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Different Pavilions of Life

We all live under different pavilions at different parts of our lives. Some are mutually exclusive and some are not. Some of these pavilions are Youth, Old Age, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Happy and Sad. For us, the wise ones recognize what pavilions we are currently under. We should recognize what their boundaries are. We should recognize whether we want to move from them, and we should recognize if we can or cannot move from under them. Knowing this will make your life an whole lot easier and happier. It is the path of Enlightenment.