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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Add Significance To Your Existence

It is incumbent upon us to add significance to our lives. If we do not, we are like a lighthouse far inland where no ships can see us. Our light is hidden from others.

The major tenets of Buddhism Bright are Wisdom and Compassion bound by Truth.

Compassion implies that we are social beings and must operate together as a society for the benefit of all.

Therefore, to add significance to your life, you must express compassion, and positively affect the lives of other people. We must do good. We must help others. We must comfort and succor the people that we love, and indeed all people.

It can be done in very simple ways. A laugh, a touch, a smile, and a kind word go a long way.

When we positively affect the lives of others, we add significance to our existence.

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