The Buddhist Bright keystones of Compassion and Wisdom also provides a key to enduring tough times for yourself.
You must be compassionate to yourself, and you must use wisdom to endure and triumph over tough times.
Enduring tough times requires both a physical and a mental component.
During tough times, we tend to think constantly about the quandary that we are in. We worry and get anxious. These thoughts are natural, however they are counter-productive for the most part. We must find peace, and a very useful way of finding peace, is through meditation.
There are other ways to peace of mind. Music that moves us will calm anxieties. Holding another person releases endorphins. Do the things that move you. Pushing out the anxious thoughts requires effort, but it clears the deck for the physical actions that we must take to endure the tough times.
There are two physical elements to enduring tough times. The first is physicality for the body. The quickest way to relieve anxious thoughts, is to exercise. We must physically exercise to the best of our abilities on a regular basis.
The second aspect of physically enduring tough times, is to keep doing the things we must do. If the journey is long, we must keep putting one foot in front of the other. We must take care of ourselves, and we must do the things that will take us out of the the tough times, even though we are not seeing results right away. This is important.
The thing to remember, is that change is constant in the universe, and tough times do not last. The forces of change in the universe will bring a change in circumstances if we follow the above and keep moving.
There is one thing that we can control in tough times, and that is the way that we think about them. A tree in the forest for example, doesn't grow because it is always nice and the conditions are ideal. It grows through the interaction of hot and cold, drought and rain, night and day, and winter and summer. So too, our lives are intertwined with some pavilions that we live under, that are not so pleasant. But when we help ourselves, not only do we endure, but we triumph. After all, we are remarkable beings.